Monday, October 7, 2013

Hayleigh: The Longest Day

Saturday started as a glorious fall day overlooking the Penobscot River in Bangor, Maine.  As I entered Hayleigh's room I noticed Hayleigh was awake but laboring to breathe.  Over the next 30 minutes her coughing became painful to watch and she didn't want to be touched.  The most comfortable position was this 'balled up' position where even then she began coughing uncontrollably.  

Initially Dr. Wood thought this was a good sign as it indicated she was starting to move the stuff in her lungs out.  But as her stats continued to drop and she didn't rebound he became gravely concerned. 

We went into the conference room (the one with the view of the river above) where he talked about his concern and how with any other patient he would have intubated as soon as they arrived.  However, due to Hayleigh's lifelong pulmonary hypertension, intubating creates risks not present in other people.  

In this meeting he said "if you go to the cemeteries around here you will see many many people 100+ years ago who died specifically because of what Hayleigh has. Modern technology allows us to support people so that they can fight the pneumonia...we just haven't been able to use all that we could with Hayleigh."  This statement was our wake up call to just how serious things were getting.  

We made the decision to intubate as it was now more dangerous to not intubate (ie her stats were dropping to dangerous levels and nothing was working to bring them back up).  

We also decided at this time she had to be transferred to Boston.  W
e felt this team had done everything they could but in Boston they have ECMO (heart lung bypass) which saved Hayleigh's life 14 years ago.  Given her condition, we wanted that as an option if needed. The Bangor hospital did not have ECMO

To their credit, the team in Bangor got right on it and were in constant communication with Boston Children's Hospital. We were initially told that Hayleigh would have to fly in a fixed wing plane as no helicopter was large enough to accommodate all the equipment.  We were told it might not be until late that night as these things sometimes take a long time to set up.  Thank you to all who prayed for the transport as a large enough helicopter landed a couple of hours later ready to take her to Boston (one of many key 'things that went right' to give our girl a chance at life here on earth)

The Valley

As they were getting closer to intubating Hayleigh, Rachel and I said what could have been our final words to our precious daughter.  We said we loved her...we prayed over her....all the while she was coughing gut wrenching coughs.  We stood at the end of her bed giving her the "I love you" sign in sign language. 

She looked up one last time, gave us the "I love you" sign back with pained blue eyes, bowed her head and then the drugs took her from consciousness.

This day was the day before the due date for our 5th child.  Since they were using nitric oxide, Rachel had to stay outside the room due to the unknown effects of nitric oxide on unborn babies. Therefore, she could not see the monitors...and that was a good thing.  I was in the room and could see the stats.  They were horrible with Hayleigh's saturations at times below 10% and most of the time in the 20%s.  Anything below 50% for a prolonged period of time would eventually result in death.  

The doctors were doing all they could do. I could see them trying different things from using different types of ventilators to changing ventilator settings, hand bagging, using various drugs etc.  Nothing was working, and the concern on the 6 people working on her was evident.  

Doctor Wood had a meeting with us out in the hall where he said if the stats didn't turn around soon her cells would start dying and then her organs would start failing and she would die. He said he had done everything he knew how to do.  The man literally had tears in his eyes, and we did too.  

I prayed with Rachel the toughest prayer of my life pleading for our girl's life but knowing it was a life created by Him and for Him.  Her life always has been and always will be for His Glory.  

And so I prayed the prayer of relinquishment giving back to God that which was Gods just as Rachel had done 14 years ago when she had been told Hayleigh was going to die that night as a baby.  I could barely get the words out but I said "If you are going to take her then take her now, but if you are going to save her please save her now."

I went back in the room, quickly emailed friends and family asking for prayers, and stood at the end of her bed.  I started rubbing Hayleigh's feet and praying for her as the doctors hand bagged her oxygen. I prayed over her Isaiah 53 "...and by his stripes we are healed" 

I prayed over her Psalm 91 "...because you have made the LORD who is my refuge, even the Most High, your dwelling place, No evil shall befall you, Nor shall any plague come near your dwelling; For He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways. In their hands they shall bear you up..." 

I prayed over her Psalm 23 "...Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me."  

As my eyes remained closed, what I saw happening was the same thing that happened in El Salvador during our mission trip when the community prayed for our team.  You can read about that in the first part of this blog post  (link opens in a separate window).    

It felt then that the community's prayers had a physical form arching around and over us like a cocoon / wigwam of if God was saying "You are doing My Will and are under My Protection" 

That is what happened as I was praying over Hayleigh while holding her feet. I saw that same cocoon / wigwam arch over Hayleigh covering her in His protection.   And from that moment on I felt a peace inside me that Hayleigh was going to be ok and that I was going to be ok as well.  I didn't know if that meant she would be alive on earth or alive in heaven but the peace was one that was beyond understanding.  Precious.  

I finished my prayers saying "I pray all these prayers in the name of Jesus, Amen"  

I opened my eyes and the doctors took the hand bag off the ventilator tube.  A HUGE amount of liquid came shooting out of her lungs.  In a matter of seconds her oxygen stats went from 20% to 50%.  The team quickly got a suction tool and inserted it into the tube sucking out another huge amount of liquid. Less than 5 seconds later her oxygen readings showed 80%.  

Rachel couldn't see the stats so I gave her and Cousin Suzy a thumbs up, but they didn't understand.  I looked at her stats again and yelled out "She is at 89%...she is going to make it! "  And a look of relief overtook Rachel along with tears of joy.

I don't believe in coincidences.  There was a reason that event happened at that moment.  This same kind of event / miracle happened in a similar way to Hayleigh when she was about 4 weeks old. 

Her life is for His Glory; Jesus Christ is exactly who the Bible says He is.  

300ml of liquid suctioned out of Hayleigh's lungs in Bangor

Her numbers kept climbing to 100% very  quickly before backing off and hovering most of the afternoon between 60% and 80%... Which is fine for transport and doesn't damage cells unless it is at that level for a very long time.  
Over the next hour the team suctioned another 300ml of liquid out of her lungs. 

I suddenly realized I hadn't eaten since 730am so I scarfed down 4 pieces of pizza from pizzas we got the night before while Rachel had some yogurt and juice. Either Suzy or me were always rubbing Hayleigh's feet and I prayed many times Isaiah "by his stripes you are healed."

The helicopter arrived around 5pm. They were such a professional group of men and women. One of the men was one of the "buff" guys Hayleigh mentioned last night so we told him the story & he laughed & laughed saying "Well, she was pretty drugged up!" It was the one moment of laughter in Bangor that day, and Rachel got a picture with him

The helicopter transport isn't like what you see in the movies where the team comes in and whooshes the patient off. They prepped her for 90 min while we waited and watched. In that time the couple from Bangor who dropped by to help last night dropped by again.  

Jeff and Jill Churchill simply love Jesus and act as His hands and feet in this broken world of ours.  I asked if they would drive one of the cars 2 hours south where friends, Chris & Mary Ellen, would be waiting to drive our car the rest of the way.  They said 'sure'.  I am SO bummed that I didn't think to get a picture of them but they are probably angels showing up out of no where and wouldn't have shown up in a picture anyway.  Suzy drove Rachel in the other car, stayed at her brother's house near Boston Children's Hospital that night and took a bus back home Sunday.  
Rachel kissing Hayleigh goodbye before the helicopter ride.  I love Dr. Wood's hand on her forehead

I flew with Hayleigh.  We took off about 635pm for the 1 hour 15 min flight to Boston children's hospital at an elevation of 1500 feet.   

I thought I was taking a picture of the sunset here but got an interesting picture of Hayleigh's reflection as well...

Stats throughout flight were 60% to low 70%.  We even flew over the Red Sox playoff game

Arrival at Boston Children's Hospital...

 Throughout the day messages came in from around the world. We know people are praying for Hayleigh and can literally feel those prayers.  It has been heartening to see notes from people I used to work with that I haven't heard from in years.  People want to do something as we have had friends drive to pick up our kids only to learn we already had things covered. We had friends driving 5 hours to Bangor to be with us when they learned we were heading to Boston so they turned around (already north of Portland, Maine) and headed to Boston.  I arrived with Hayleigh in Boston to be greeted by our Pastor and one of the church elders and 5 of the best guys I'll ever know were not far behind them.  Rachel has had much the same with friends driving her down Saturday and friends and family showing up consistently throughout the day Sunday.  We have amazing people in our lives and we feel so blessed.

 Someone asked me today if I was disappointed that Hayleigh ended up on ECMO.  I think when I hopped on that helicopter I knew the reason everything worked out perfectly to get her to Boston was because she needed to be on that machine.  So, while it would be great to have everything immediately healed....if that was going to happen it would have happened immediately in Bangor along with an unexplainable 'clear' X-Ray.  Sometimes God works that way, sometimes He works other ways.  But in all things our family will Praise Him.

All I know is Hayleigh is under His protection and I feel at peace.  God bless you all.  Please continue to pray for the following


1. Healing....that Hayleigh's lungs eliminate the pneumonia and are able to work properly when it is time to come off ECMO.

2.  Protection of her leg from potential complications from having the canulas inserted there.

3.  Protection of her brain, organs, and hearing (she lost her hearing as an infant due to drugs she received to save her life so PLEASE pray that what little hearing she still has is protected).

4.  Please pray for Rachel and the baby and strength for our family.

It sounds like Hayleigh's stay in the hospital will be at least 3 weeks long.  Baby Scott will almost certainly come during that time but Rachel would REALLY like to stay with Hayleigh as long as possible.  Once baby comes, baby cannot be in the ICU and thus Rachel will not be able to be there very much.

In a hugely ironic turn of wife has gone from wanting baby OUT 2 weeks ago to wanting baby to STAY IN for another 3 weeks.  Sunday was her due date.  Rachel may be the first woman in recorded history desiring to remain pregnant 3 weeks beyond her due date.  Your prayers are most certainly appreciated.

 God Bless,


Read the rest of Hayleigh's story here:

Hayleigh's sisters with her Sunday afternoon.  The ECMO heart lung bypass machine is the machine to the right.

Jeff and Jill Churchill (got this picture 11 years later from them when they responded to the posts about AJ's brain tumor)


  1. Andrew, I just read your blog aloud to Mindy and my wife Danielle. We rejoice with you and believe with you that Hayleigh will pull through this as strong or stronger than ever. We laughed about how that the Churchills were probably angels who "wouldn't show up in a picture anyway". Your family is so precious, and we have to believe that God wants Hayleigh to love and enjoy the baby, and vice versa! God bless you guys! Love, Rob and Family :)

  2. Thank you so much for sharing this and for sharing your faith. There really are no words . . . just prayers which we will keep lifting up for your whole family. God's peace be with you all.
    -Monique Gagne

  3. Vienna! Sarah! It's Mindy Moritz. I just wanted to say that I miss you all so much. I really enjoyed our time together. I'm praying for your sister, and for all of you. Your faith is incredible and inspiring. Don't ever forget the frozen yogurt night in Greece! Love and miss you!! ~Mindy

  4. We have been praying here in Kenya for Hayleigh and we are glad to read the news of the progress she is making. You are all in our prayers and I believe it is well with Hayleigh. We love you our friends!
    Mary Kamau

  5. Scott family,

    Here in Kenya we have joined others around the world praying for your sweet girl and your family. Thank you for updating regularly and giving specific things to pray for. We all love you all! Alicia Stewart

  6. I am so happy that Hayleigh is in Boston. She is in the BEST place with doctors that know her history. The Silverwatch family will continue to send positive thoughts. The Scotts are an amazing and inspiring family. Stay strong Hayleigh!

  7. I am praying for your whole family every day! The good news for Rachel is, most due dates are a *minimum* of two weeks off so she just might get three weeks! I'm hoping for her—I cannot imagine being in that position. But God is sovereign, as we know, and His timing is perfect. I have been praying that you would have His reassurance and I cried when I realized by your writing that He'd already answered that prayer!

    Our good God is eternal, in all moments at all times, and every day is in His memory—for the rest of us, it's watching His hands reveal Himself through every event and I am anticipating an incredible revelation through sweet Hayleigh's story. I don't know when you'll get a chance to read this, but please tell Hayleigh I said hi and I'm always praying, throughout the day. Praying for you guys is breathing for you guys. ♥

    1. That is to say, OUR breathing is praying for you! I just realized how many different ways that could be interpreted. I get weird with words. ;) We are praying for you as frequently as we breathe. There. ^_^

  8. Andrew

    Thank you so very much for taking the time to recount what must have been one of the most traumatic days in your life. As I read this with tears in my eyes I rejoice in your love for Hayleigh and for your constant faith. Please know that I and my family are all praying for Hayleigh and for your whole family.

    Craig, Stacey, Nicole and Cayden Plummer

  9. You're such wise and good parents. We are praying like crazy for you all. God does give a peace beyond our understanding and explanation in times like this. He is right there by your side and by Hayleigh's side. Love you guys

  10. I have been thinking of you all throughout the weekend. Sending tons of prayers and love to Hayleigh.


    ( I was on stage crew for Annie last year with Actorsingers)

  11. Thanks for posting that. I have sent the link to many, many friends. As David says in Psalm 23: "... even though I WALK THROUGH the valley ..." -- he doesn't say "stand in" ... but that he keeps going, knowing who walks with him. Continued prayers to your whole family from a "gillion" of my friends.

  12. Andrew,

    I am overwhelmed with emotions as I continue to remember Hayleigh, Rachel, you, and your family in prayer - along with multitudes of the saints all over the country - and likely the world. For you have made friends with citizens of the Kingdom all over by your sincere faith and willingness to serve.

    Your faithfulness has "impressed" me since the first day that I met you. And although I have never had the pleasure of meeting Rachel, just what I have heard from you - and the stories of your family serving around the world - with Rachel insisting that you continue the course despite learning of her pregnancy - tells me that she is a remarkable woman, and that you are greatly blessed!

    Hayleigh is in good hands; Her parent's, and most importantly, her Heavenly Father's! She is loved not only by her wonderful parents and siblings, as well as a host of the saints, she is beloved of God!

    May the Lord continue to hold her up and strengthen her mortal body - and may He continue to keep you all in His perfect peace. We will continue to remember you all.

    Sincere love and gratefulness in knowing you!

    Chuck & Kim Mavrogeorge

  13. May our Great God continue to wrap His loving arms around all of you and give you comfort, peace and healing for Hayleigh.

    Blessings, Sandy and Ev May

  14. Andrew, you have devoted your life to helping others enhance their lives and reach their full potential. You continue to be an inspiration to us all through your crystal clear focus, core values, action, and faith. We are now all focused on you, Hayleigh, Rachel, Baby Scott, and your dear family. Our love, energy, and prayers are with you continuously, or as Feather aptly pointed out--with every breath.
    Linda McCoy, Mom, and friends

  15. Andrew, my prayers are with you, Rachel, Hayleigh, her sisters and the medical team. While God does not want suffering - far from it - He has allowed these events to happen to show others The Way, the Truth and the Life - Jesus Christ. May He continue to fill all of you with His amazing peace, grace and love.


  16. Comments from email....

    Dearest Friends,
    I returned late last night from Jerusalem, where, among many other things, I prayed at the Wall for Hayleigh. She was in my heart and thoughts all day as we spent the day at that Holy City where I always feel God’s presence even stronger! I was so relieved to read that she was able to be transferred to a hospital with better facilities to help her and I pray with all my might that she will become stronger each day! Promise me that you will give her a kiss for me and remind her that she promised to come back to the kibbutz and help me in the gardens! Let her know I am saving a pair of pink gloves just for her!
    Take care of my dear Rachel and her baby inside!
    Love to the family!
    Andrew, you are the rock over there! I send you my strength across the ocean!
    Love, Marla
    Hello Andrew,

    I pray that you will not stop trusting in God, because He is the only that can change any situation if we trust in Him.

    I pray that you will praise the Name of the Lord Jesus as our prayers are going to be answered.
    God give you patience in the difficult way you are through now.

    Elisante (Your Compassion International Guide, Tanzania)
    Our son-in-law, Donald, has an aunt & friends in Sierra Leone praying for Hayleigh. So besides all the friends you made on your trip, your brothers & sisters in our Lord are praying. They are everywhere!
    Praying for all of you as well, &
    the new life inside Rachel awaiting arrival.
    Love & hugs to all,
    The Richardsons
    Katie was impressed by Hayleigh & told me today she knows God has great plans for Hayleigh.

    There are many people in our community of believers in Texas praying and battling with you for Hayleigh! They receive your emails via our prayer team and are in continual prayer for her and the rest of the family including Rachel and the baby.

    Thank you for including the specifics of how to pray. That really helps!

    We will continue to pray with you for her full recovery and full health and the pneumonia to miraculously amaze the medical staff and the name of Jesus to be honored by her healing.


  17. Comments from email...


    Heard from Katie about your Hayleigh. As you know, I went through the hospital bed watch seven years ago with my boy, Olle. The worst days of my life, but I know all of the prayers that I received helped so much.

    I have been praying and sending my personal "go to" saints and family members whom I pray to regularly your way to watch over Hayleigh. They have worked true miracles for me and I pray they can help your daughter make a quick, full recovery.


    Hello Andrew,

    Just a sort note to express my love to you and your family. You have been in my prayers since I heard and have added your family to a prayer circle I used when my oldest was diagnosed with cancer S well as had my inlaws add her to the prayer roll in the temple when they go again. You will all be in my thoughts..


    Michelle Peterson

    Dear Andrew, Rachael and family -

    Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you. Ever since we received your heartfelt message, we have been praying without ceasing for Hayleigh. I am so thankful the Lord is such a part of your life, as we know He is there with Hayleigh and your wonderful family. May the blessings and prayers of those who love all of you surround you at this time......With much love and prayers of healing, Barbara and Daniel Sansone

    Even though I worked as a nurse for 15 years, Katie explained much to me today to help me understand all that is happening with Hayleigh. We thank God that she was stable enough to be moved to Boston! Praise God!
    Boston is also a better place for Rachel to be if the baby decides to come.
    Know there are many saints in the Green Bay area praying diligently for Hayleigh, for healing & recovery.
    Our prayers are with you & yours,
    The Richardsons

    We have realy prayed for her in the services at joska girls and ndovoini boys, students realy cried for her healing and we know our God will heal her, though it seems like you are in the shadow of death worry not for Christ conqured it for us. We are praying for your wife too for her safe delivery, if God did to my wife He will do it too to your lovely wife, all i well be still and the works of the Lord, Amen

    Willington (in Kenya)

    thanks for the update. Hayleligh is the APPLE of God eye Deuteronomy 32:10

    Love in Christ, Amelia Tambing Chaloupka

  18. Comments from email...

    Andrew-- our prayers for your dear daughter continue. I awoke dreaming of a heart- lung machine: thinking this is what Hayleigh needed. And now you tell us she is there.
    Take hope, dear Rachel and Andrew!
    Christ heals.
    With love,

    We praise God for Hayleigh and the new progress. We have been in prayer especially the children in Joska Girls and Ndovoini boys schools and Mathare Area 2. We are greatly encouraged by this progress and see the great faithfulness of God.

    We love you all so much.


    Dear Andrew,

    my friends and I are all thinking of Hayleigh and your family. We hope things will turn out good, she will heal soon and be a happy kid again.
    I also pray for Rachel's safe delivery and for the baby. Stay strong and keep hoping in better times!

    Best regards,
    Katka ( the receptionist from Prague)

    We delight in the steps that have happened and we continue to stand in the gap for her. Tons of love to you all.
    Love the Henlseys

    I know that in a situation such as this, you enter a very strange time zone where hours seem to stand still and then suddenly you gaze at a clock and wonder where the hours have gone. These are long grueling hours for all of you, especially for poor Hayleigh. It sounds as if every hour is giving her opportunities for miraculous care.

    Our hope continues along with our prayers. In our church setting, this Sunday is World Communion Sunday where we celebrate our unity in Christ through out the world. We honor the beauty of our diversity and cultures as well as our common need for Jesus Christ. This Sunday I cannot help but imagine your family through out the world.

    I share this because Sunday Clinton and I will envisioned one of Jesus own, one beautiful child, Hayleigh, being lifted by hundreds and hundreds of hands united in prayer for Jesus miraculous healing power. We thought of those hands lifting Rachel and the baby, you, Vienna, AJ and Sarah. Our congregation will continue to join your family of prayer and hope.

    Thank you for the update and the specific ways we can be praying every hour. We praise God for all the wonderful people God has and is placing on your path in these long hours.

    Thanks for the update Andrew. We are praying for you guys here in Australia and at C3 Miranda. Please give our love to Miss Hayleigh and know that we're praying for you guys. We so appreciate your friends updating Rachel's fb page too with news as they receive it. Peace of Jesus to you and grace in this tricky time.

    Sophie & Thierry and the girls.


    Praising and tirelessly praying. I looked up ECMO online and found photos of the leg procedure. It looks scary, but nothing is more scary than God's incredible strength when He defends His precious children from the pains of this world. Hayleigh has a fierce Heavenly Father and a pretty awesome earthly father too. :) Loving you guys a gazillion times a day. Also keeping Sarah, Vienna and AJ in our prayers too. Melody

    Thanks for the updates Andrew: so grateful she was able to survive transportation from the utter wilderness to a life-saving machine at Boston Children's Hospital. That's an amazing answer to prayer already... We are praying for Hayleigh and your family to have yet another miracle testimony with which to exalt God...

    Praise God!
    Thank you so much for this latest update.
    I am sure it has been a long day for everyone that has been praying for her. Hayleigh, Rachel, yourself, V ,S,AJ, family and friends as well are in our prayers.
    Rest my brother, God has everything under control!
    Cheryl in Guatemala

  19. Comments from email


    I know that it is hard to find time to keep us all updated in the midst of your anguish...thank you. We all continue to pray for you, Rachel, Hayleigh, the whole family, and her care takers.

    I lift up my eyes to the hills-where does my help come from?
    My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.
    He will not let your foot slip-He who watches over you will not slumber: indeed, He who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.
    The Lord watches over you-the Lord is your shade at your right hand: the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.
    The Lord will keep you from all harm-He will watch over your life;
    the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore. Psalm 121

    Jo Ann and Lonny

    I have contacted the people who were with us in Israel about this situation. Our church will be praying for her. Many prayers going up for her and your family. Diane Clark

    Thanks for the update. You all have been in constant prayer. I know our God is the great physician and he has this situation under control. What a testimony she will have. Andrew I want to thank you for always being positive and the influence you have had on my son Wes. I want you to know that he remembered the lesson you taught us all on our last night in Guatemala about stepping out of our comfort zone and he taught that lesson twice on our last night in Appalachia (mission trip) and to one of the churches that had members go. It was amazing! Praying for quick and complete recovery for Hayleigh and rest and comfort for you and Rachel. God bless.

  20. Dear Hayleigh,

    I had planned on calling you guys this weekend. I’ve had a lot of time to think and pray this week with my pneumonia diagnosis. I am feeling so much better…each and every day I am stronger. Today, I watched Uncle Doug fill in my flower beds with dirt we had delivered. We have been working all summer on a long term project on the front of the house, and it is entering its final stages. In fact, there are these petunias in my front garden I wanted to tell you about. Two years ago when Mimi came up here to help while Uncle Doug was in the hospital on ECMO, she planted petunias in my front flower boxes. They were beautiful and I loved them. They flowered all summer. Petunias are considered annuals around here, and should not come back. Guess what? Around the first of July last year, I found petunias growing in some of my flower pots. They looked amazing the rest of the summer. They had reseeded. Well, this summer, we removed all of the rock from the front bed right next to the front porch. It has lay barren except for a couple of hostas while Uncle Doug and I thought of how we would rework the drainage. In the meantime, guess what started to grow in the icky sandy soil…you guessed it, petunias. I sent a picture to Mimi a couple of weeks ago and told her I absolutely loved these petunias that keep reseeding even though they aren’t supposed to because they whisper to me that God loves to surprise us and do the impossible. As Uncle Doug worked outside and I sat watching, I prayed without ceasing. Dear Lord, breathe life into Hayleigh’s lungs.

    It’s been an interesting week for me. The day I was diagnosed with pneumonia and had my first breathing treatment, it broke up everything in my lungs and the rattle began. This was the first time I could hear all that congestion in my lungs as I hadn’t really been coughing all that much. I had hours to think about my breathing as sleep was difficult. So, I prayed and I remembered. I remembered the hours I spent listening to that rattle in Doug’s chest those many days on ECMO. God brought you to mind with your evening quota of oxygen. It gave me a new appreciation and love for my sweet niece, Hayleigh. I had taken each and every one of my breaths for granted, and it made me cry. So I began thanking God for breath, for air, for lungs, and for the body he created to do such a thing. I prayed for you that you would have deep breath filled to capacity. I decided I would start praying specifically for Hayleigh Linda’s lungs…and I have. I was going to tell you this weekend about this new compassion and appreciation God laid on my heart for you. And I was going to tell you that I think you are incredibly brave and that I am so very thankful that God chose you to be a cousin to my girls.

    Today, we have ceaselessly prayed here at the Baden house, and we have laughed. I was looking through those photo shoot pictures finally and remembering the joy of that day in August…. the planning, the make up, the laughter, the love that surrounded the five of you. I felt like an intruder of sorts as I took those pictures…almost as if I was entering into sacred space. The five of you cousins just make me smile. We have been remembering silly antics and wonderful times together all day long. And we have been praying. Hayleigh girl, you are so loved. Rest sweet, precious niece. We await God’s perfect timing for your miraculous healing.

    I love you so much,

    Aunt Heather

  21. Comments from email

    Dear Andrew,

    We saw your emails and have been praying for Hayleigh ever since.

    We are standing with you in faith.

    Nicole Partridge
    Sydney, Australia

    Have faith guys. The prayers a going on here too and I've incorporated some strong people into the chain. Hayleigh is right in Gods will - she is your miracle child. Love you guys
    Pauline Plunkett, Sydney Australia

    Andrew, I am continuing to pray for Hayleigh and for God to continue to work miracles. God has his arms wrapped around your family and is with you now. Praying for strength, doctor knowledge and for your family. Walking with you in prayer.
    Laurel Koester

    Will do Andrew. Keep strong and positive and close to all your family. We are with you in these difficult moments. Please Lord help Hayleigh and all the family overcome this dark patch!

    Marina and Saviour (couple from Malta you met in Prague)


    As with all the others I have sent your request out to multitudes of believers who are praying and sending this urgent request to all their prayer lists. More and more saints are responding and praying. Our thoughts and sincere prayers are with Hayleigh and your whole family.

    Stand firm and in peace as the Lord gives you strength.


    We are praying for you here in Guatemala! God is with you! Eunice

  22. Comments from email

    Andrew and Rachel -

    Please know that Heather forwarded your prayer requests for
    Hayleigh and that I am praying!!! I am praying for her strength, that her body will respond to treatment, and God's comfort. I'm also praying for her doctors and medical staff, your strength and His protection for your family.

    In Him,
    Lori McGivern Freeman

    Be assured that we are lifting you all up. May gods angels surround you all,
    David Bussau

    Continuing to pray for Hayleigh and you all. May the Lord give you His strength and peace each hour.
    Holly from Tanzania

    Dear Andrew and Rachel,

    After meeting you in Sydney we followed your family blog around the world and have a huge fondness for you all. We're standing with you in prayer for Hayleigh and will ask others to pray too.

    With love,

    Andrew and Pip

    Praying for your family and for sweet Hayleigh!

    Megan White

  23. Congratulations, Andrew, for more than one reason!! Our God has seen your faithfulness and has granted your requests and answered OUR prayers for Hayleigh, Rachel, "Baby Scott (sure looked to me like a boy from the pic of Rachel with "the Hunk"!), you and the rest of your children. She's on her way to coming home with all of you!!

  24. Hey guys!
    This whole thing moved so fast it's just mind blowing trying to keep up! You guys are all so special and God has some kind of Kingdom purpose in this mess. We'll pray everyone, Hayleigh included, is able to see it in the near future. But I know one thing already, you guys have all been extraordinary reflections of Christ. Stay strong and stay together in Him!
    Bless you all!

  25. "Jeff and Jill Churchill simply love Jesus and act as His hands and feet in this broken world of ours. I asked if they would drive one of the cars 2 hours south where friends, Chris & Mary Ellen, would be waiting to drive our car the rest of the way. They said 'sure'. I am SO bummed that I didn't think to get a picture of them but they are probably angels showing up out of no where and wouldn't have shown up in a picture anyway."
    Hi Andrew:
    I will be sure to get a photo of the Churchills and find out their contact info when I go to the Bangor United Methodist Church tonight for choir practice. What a wonderful thing they did to give of themselves so unstintingly.
    I also have in front of me a dozen beautiful peach longstem roses that I will deliver to the Pediatric ICU staff this afternoon at Eastern Maine Medical Center. I will try to get a picture of those too and post online as they are beautiful. It may be a bit before I get there, so if there is anything you want me to add to the card, let me know!
    Keep us posted as Rachel indicated she was feeling twinges.
    Let us know if there is any help we can give--
    suzy (alias "cousin suzy"!)

  26. Also, wanted to point out the buff, studly Lifeflight nurse in the picture had the last name "Watson." Rachel and I had a light moment about that too!

  27. Hugs and prayer for your family. God will protect you all. He is amazing.
    Rachel - best wishes and prayers for your upcoming delivery. He will watch over you as he watches out for Hayleigh.

    Betty Fortin

  28. oh my gosh! I've been praying non stop since I heard the news on sunday. And I will continue to pray for hayleigh and the rest of your family while reviewing the updates. thank goodness for your faith to know that God is always in control.

    Best, stacy acevedo

  29. Hello Andrew,

    Our thoughts and prayers are for you and your family. Your strong faith is an inspiration to all. We wish you and your family the best and know God is with you and yours.

    Wishing you the best, Leon and Benjy Comley

  30. My family - including 2 small children - has been praying for Hayleigh since we learned of her situation. What a miracle (!!!) and beautiful story of love and God's mercy. We will continue praying for Hayleigh and your family, including the new addition.

    Lots of love,

    The Rivers

  31. Hi Andrew,
    We first heard Hayleigh's story when Rachel visited Heather's MOPS group here in Valencia. I've been keeping in touch with Heather this weekend and am glad for the updates. All of the Scott and Baden girlies have been tucked up inside my heart these past days and I will continue to hold them close in my thoughts and prayers.
    Love to you,
    Kari Dahlquist

  32. We are thinking and praying for you guys! Thanks for taking the time to update! Hayliegh is such an awesome little women, as are the rest of your children. I am praying for healing, peace, and love. God has a plan take comfort in that! Hoping for the best for you!

  33. Such an amazing story, with more to come as our most High God knows exactly what he is doing. Thank you for sharing such intimate details.

  34. Andrew - I'm so glad to read of this miracle that you've experienced so far. I learned last night of Hayleigh's crisis and add my prayers to all those who love you and your family. I'm so glad she's in Boston and that you have such strong faith and trust in God.
    Tricia Call

  35. Andrew-
    Thank you for sharing the journey with us. Know that she is at a GREAT facility. The Lord will be with the doctors and nurses as they care for her. Know that prayer warriors all over the world are continually raising your entire family in prayer.
    Sue Higgins

  36. Andrew, Praying endlessly for your family and dear Hayleigh until she is healed. You picture of the sunset brought me to tears, Hayleigh is being lifted up by all of God's Amazing Glory. Bless you all,
    The Simards in Lyndeborough NH

  37. Messages from email....

    Dear Rachel and Andrew- Know that you are fondly remembered by the Kimbrells (of Texas.) We recognize and are very grateful for the major impact you both have had on our life together (and that of our kids.!) When we learned of Hayleigh's condition, we began praying and have not stopped. That goes for your entire family and especially Rachel and the new baby. We remember the touch-and-go of Rachel's pregnancy with the twins and Hayleigh's harrowing first months as a newborn.We pray that this birth and the days after are happy & healthy. Our girls thoroughly enjoyed getting to know your 3 girls on the lake (their first boat outing! How many years ago?) Know that we offer an "anytime" repeat invitation—perhaps NEXT summer—so we can meet AJ and your new baby. You are frequently in our thoughts and now you are in our prayers. We are spreading the word! A Marine Corps friend's cousin works at Boston's Children's Hospital so you may get a visit from a local person offering help.

    We send much love from Nancy, Ray, Patrick (19,) Katie (16,) and Nikki (13 1/2)

    This blog was a riviting account and an emotional journey to read and follow. The pictures at the end with the sisters around Hayleigh completely broke me down....Your family has touched my life so deeply, that I feel a personal connection to each of you and each of you are so precious and special. You could FEEL the love in that hospital room in that one dimensional picture. Please keep me updated on Hayleigh’s health and also about Rachel and the baby. May God continue to hold you all in the palm of his hand!
    Love, Marla (Kibbutz Afik, Golan Heights Israel)

    Dear Rachel and Andrew,

    My name is Matthew Tingler, I'm the current pastor of Christ the King Lutheran. I've had several of my sisters and brothers here tell me about what is going on with your dear Hayleigh. What a shocking and terrifying thing this must be for you. I'm writing to let you know that our prayers are with Hayleigh for healing and strength; for all those who are taking care of her, for wisdom and discernment; and our prayers are with you and all of your family, for peace and comfort, and for a smooth and safe delivery of your baby.

    Peace to all of you, and know that God is with you.
    Matthew +

    Hi, Rachel!

    We just got the news Sunday night about Hayleigh. We put a prayer request out to our friends/small group from Church and other friends. Jim and I are praying for Hayleigh and you and Andrew. We heard you are expecting a child to be born any day now!!! My gosh. I sure wish we lived closer so I could help. I hear you have lots of other helpers out there which is a true blessing and gift at this time.

    Love and hugs,
    Cousin Jim and Sharla Bryant

  38. Dear Andrew, Rachel, Hayleigh and the rest of the Scott family (our favorite family whom we've never met!)

    Hayleigh's strength and humor are obvious and impressive. What a remarkable young lady!

    And the strength of your family and faith is amazing. What a great example you are for the rest of us.

    We are praying for Hayleigh, Rachel and each of you.

    Love your friends in NC,

    The Andrews Family

    (Scott, Lauri, Sadler (13), Elli (12), Mary Austin (9) and Kathryn (7))

  39. Andrew and family,

    Words can not express how I felt after reading this post. The power of prayer is amazing. You now have two more added to your prayer team.

    Tim and Joey Mock

  40. At the Tuesday morning ladies' Bible class and pot lunch lunch that I attend at a friend's house, this morning the lady who led the prayer prayed extensively for Hayleigh and your family (they've all seen my hearing aid charms of course!). The class was smaller than usual today, but all of us there signed a card and I had someone else make a pictures of us. And I always put my last name, and y'all's home address as the return address on cards. You've got a bunch of prayers to the GREAT PHYSICIAN going up for Hayleigh and your family.

  41. I meant to add "from Birmingham, Alabama"!

  42. Dear Andrew and Rachel,

    As Jo Ann and Lonny shared my all time favorite Bible verse of Psalm 121, Jeremiah 29:11 speaks my heart today with "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." May Hayleigh rebound back to excellent health with all the prayers around the world praying for her and your family. May she receive God's healing so that she can live a long fruitful life sharing the miracles that she has received from God. I have faith that your family will be together at home soon.

    Take care.

    In His Grip,
    Susan Koester (Laurel's Mom)

  43. I am keeping the whole family in my daily thoughts and prayers. May the light of God provide you all with energy, love, hope and fast healing. Hugs. I see only one set of footstep as he hold you all in his care. June Butka

  44. The D'Amicos hope that Hayleigh is getting better and will be back to her normal self.
    Forever in our prayers-
    John,Suzanne, Scarlett, and Anna Bella

  45. I pray for Hayleigh and the rest of your family.


  46. Prayers from the Roberts family in Halifax, MA. Heal well Hayleigh and may God Bless over You and Your Family at this time.

    Sean, Colleen, and Rachel Roberts


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